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Watch "Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm" on YouTube

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Watch "Animated No Agenda - Career Non-Professional" on YouTube

Joe A boosted
Joe A boosted
Joe A boosted
Joe A boosted

"Usually, I turn the volume down because I feel all these big pharma commercials can actually give you what they tell you you might have." — @adam #noagenda 1159

Joe A boosted
Joe A boosted
Joe A boosted
Joe A boosted

On Twitter, their 'safety team' determines what you see. In the Fediverse, your 'Instance' determines what you see. Don't like what you see (or don't?) Set up your own instance!

Joe A boosted
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DBN Social

Dude Bro Nation or more recently referred to as DBN is a community of like minded (for the most part) people originating as listeners of the Covino and Rich show on SirusXM channel 103. We have been around since 2009 more notably as a forum for Covino and Rich listeners to chat about the show and random topics. Since its inception as forum this community has morphed into WhatsApp, Voxer and Facebook groups. Members from all over the US and Canada have met up at events from coast to coast and most famously meet up once a year at the Covino and Rich Convention every June.